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Year 5

Autumn Newsletter 2022

Remote Learning - Week beginning 22nd Feb
Remote Learning - Week beginning 8th Feb
Remote Learning - Week beginning 1st Feb
Remote Learning - Week beginning 25th Jan

Dear parents,


Please find below the work-pack for this week. 

Other worksheets

Remote Learning - Week beginning 17th Jan


Dear parents,


Please find below the work-pack for this week. 

Resources from Lockdown 1

RE lessons


Complete the short series of lessons below.

Ending with a project


It would be great to give the children opportunity to be creative. Consider the following ideas, to bring some enrichment to the Ancient Greek topic. I will provide a bank of information on different aspects of Ancient Greek life (see below):


  • Create an Ancient Greek Olympics for the whole family
  • Serve a Greek feast. Some entertainment would make the dining experience even more enjoyable
  • Research greek architecture. Design a new Parthenon for the Godess Athena
  • Make some greek pottery, including a scene from a greek myth (if you haven’t already)
  • Make some greek masks, then create and dramatise own greek play, or a version of a greek myth you have read
  • Create a drama about the life of a child in Ancient Greece (Remember: life would be quite different for a Spartan child compared with an Athenian child)
  • Create an Ancient Greek Quiz for your family - Or create an Ancient Greek Gameshow
  • Create a documentary about life in Ancient Greece

Maths for Week beginning 13th July



Supplementary Activities - Week beginning 6th July


Other Greek Myths


Read the Greek Myths and answer the comprehension questions below.


Which was your favourite and why? Why not dramatise one of them like they would in Greek Theatre? (You could make a masks to help you represent the characters)



Creativity and Drama


After reading the myths, why not create your own. Which gods will you include? Will there be any mythical creatures involved? Think carefully about what the moral could be. Could you present your story through drama? You might want to storyboard a plan first. Think about how and where to film, and design and make any props you might need. You could make masks too if want to take it to the next level.


Art Work


Children at school have really enjoyed the workshops with Rob Biddulph. Why not check them out below:

Maths for Week Beginning 6th July



Supplementary RE


Read about Saint Stephens and answer the questions. Choose which text and questions to give your child

1 star = easy; 2 stars = moderate; 3 stars = more challenge.



Maths for Week beginning 29th June



Supplementary Spelling Work


1) Suffixes (er, ing, ed)


Recap the 4 rules for adding these suffixes to words by watching the bbc video.


Then try the worksheet below.

2) Prefixes - un, dis, mis & in


Watch the instructional video


Now try the powerpoint quiz below.


3) Suffix ‘us, ’ous ’& ‘ious’


Now read the tips for learning when to use each prefix and complete the two tasks. (See document below)

4) Suffix ‘tion’, ‘sion’, ‘cian’ & ‘ssion’


Read the tips to help you know which to use when. (see below)


Complete the worksheet provided. (see below)

5) Suffix ‘ture’ and ‘sure’


Read the tips to help you know which to use when (see below)


Can you generate a list of words for ‘ture’ and ‘sure’?

6) Suffix ‘tious’ and ‘cious’


Read the tips to help you know which to use when. Then complete the two tasks (see below)

7)  Generate related word families


Have a look at the meaning of common prefixes (below).

Then using the second sheet below, see if you can generate related words using some of the prefixes and/or suffixes. Check that they are real words. What kind of words are they e.g. verbs, adjectives.

Supplementary Activities - 22nd June



If you are up to date with the White Rose lessons, then we are now on Week 9


As the main program now contains duplicate video clips and activities, I will just send to you the alternative worksheets and accompanying answers. This means that you will need to refer to the accompanying download, which contains the video links for the alternative lessons (see below)


If you are not up to date, just continue from where your child is up to (scroll down on the class webpage to find previous weeks resources).

Supplementary Activities - 15th June



If you are up to date with the White Rose lessons, then we are now on Week 8.


As the main program now contains duplicate video clips and activities, I will just send to you the alternative worksheets and accompanying answers. This means that you will need to refer to the accompanying download, which contains the video links for the alternative lessons (see below)


If you are not up to date, just continue from where your child is up to (scroll down on the class webpage to find previous weeks resources).



Lesson 1


Life Cycles


Life Cycle Sort

Using the cards (see below): Sort the life cycles into order. Compare the life cycles of different living things.


Can you see how there are a series of stages in life for various different living things?

How are they different?

How are they similar?

What type of creature are they? (mammal, amphibian, etc)


Research: What is the average length of each of these life cycles?

Lesson 2


Life Cycle of Amphibians


Watch the video provided.


Compare the life cycles of a hedgehog and a toad.


How are they different?

How are they similar?



Research an amphibian, such as a Toad or Salamander.

Write about their habitat, food, and particularly their life cycle stages and how they change in appearance over time.

Hedgehog:toad cycle video.mpg

Still image for this video

Lesson 3


The Life Cycle of Insects


Watch the video introduction (see attached download)


Revise:  What is an insect? What can you remember about their features?


Your Task

  • Research the lifecycle stages of either a ladybird, butterfly, Goliath beetle or dragonfly.
  • Then create of poster with pictures showing and describing each stage of the insect’s life cycle and record as much information as you can about your ‘master of metamorphosis’.


For research you could use:

Insects introduction

Still image for this video

Lesson 4



Watch the introduction video (below)

What do we know about birds?

Bird Introductory

Still image for this video

Activity 1


Look at the pictures of the eggs (See pdf below).

Use the identifier to answer the questions:


Whose egg could it be? Is it big or small? How many eggs are usually produced in each

clutch? How many broods could parent birds produce each year? What could happen to a

clutch of eggs or a nest full of chicks that might affect their survival?

Activity 2


Read the fact file about Peregrin Falcons (see download below).

Highlight which facts you found most interesting or surprising.

Read the article about Peregrin Falcons living in London


Activity: Use the article above to help you to answer these questions:


1) Since when have a pair of falcons been nesting at Battersea power station?

2) How many pairs of Falcons are living in London today?

3) Which world capital city has most?

4) Why are they living in Cities?

5) How many chicks have this pair successfully fledged in the last year?

6) What happened as a result of the peregrines nesting below a tower that needed the chimneys taking down in 2013?

7) What do the peregrines hunt?

8) Why are nest locations generally kept secret?

9) Where else in London can peregrines be seen?

10) What are the dangers if juveniles fall to the ground?

11) What are builders advised to do if they see one on the ground?

12) How are the falcons safer in the city than the countryside?



See them up close in this short abc video clip


Lesson 5


Activity 1 - Design your own creature and plan it’s life cycle stages.


See design template (below).


What is your imaginary animal called? What type of animal is it? What stages does your

animal have in its life cycle? What part of the life cycle would you need to include if you

were to convince somebody else that your animal is, for example, an insect or an amphibian?


How could your animal ensure that its life cycle is successful? How could it protect itself, at

every stage of the life cycle? How will it make sure that both adults and young have enough

to eat? What (if anything) might threaten the success of your animal?

Activity 2 - Find out about an unusual creature. Watch this video. Do some extra research if you wish. Answer the questions below.


What is a Duck-billed Platypus? It lays eggs, so surely it must be a bird? What type of animal

do you think it is, based on what we have learned already? How do you think it is able to

protect itself against predators? What features does it have that resemble other animals, for

example, tail like a beaver? Can you guess or work out what it eats?


Lesson 6 - Helping Endangered animals


Humans are getting involved, helping some endangered animals to complete their life cycles.


Activity 1


Watch the introductory video.


Look at the projects that Chester Zoo is involved in. Research one of the endangered species.


Create a poster about an endangered animal.  Informs the reader about the threats that are faced and what they can do to help.


Activity 2


Consider the quote “Zoos are cruel prisons for animals. They should be released into the wild”.

Do you think this is always, sometimes or never true? Explain your answer.





ICT - Cryptography



Activity 1 - Semaphore


Watch the video to find out about one of the ways messages have been sent over distances.


Download the coding alphabet and flags (or make your own flags).

Can you decipher the message on the sheet 'Crack the Codes'.


Can you create your own message using the flags for someone else to decipher? E.g. “Wave your hands”.

You could record it as a video or maybe a family member could stand outside whilst you send them your message from behind a window?



Activity 2 - Morse Code


Watch the videos introducing morse code:


Complete the Decode the Morse Code Message on the sheet 'Crack the Codes'.


Can you create your own morse code message using a torch for someone else to decipher? E.g. “Can I have a chocolate bar?”.

Maybe a family member could stand outside whilst you send them your message from behind a window? Could they send back the answer in morse code?


See how a translator could make the process much easier


Activity 3 - Caesar Cipher


Watch the video introductions from Khan Academy:



Can you now decipher the last code on the sheet 'Crack the Codes'?


If you are struggling to crack the code then see how software can help :


If you are still struggling, try this method:


See if you can create some of your own messages for someone else to decipher using these tools.

Maths for Week beginning 8th June


If you are up to date with the White Rose lessons, then we are now on Week 7.


The resources for this week (due to their partnership with the bbc) unfortunately include worksheets that were included in the Spring, early in lockdown. I have included these in case your child didn't complete them. If they did complete them already, then please use the alternative sheets and answers provided.



Summer 2nd half - Ancient Greece


This is a fabulous topic, full of opportunities to go deeper into the life and legacy of this historically significant time. Opportunities to explore the geography of Greece and trade in the ancient world; opportunities to find out about ancient greek states such as Athens and Sparta and what life was like in those states; opportunities to explore the legacy of Ancient Greece, including the Olympics, democracy, philosophy, architecture, theatre and more.


Our Literacy will be focussed predominantly of  Greek Myths. The book ‘Adventures of Odysseus’ will form the basis of much of our work. This will include vocabulary development, comprehension and writing opportunities. If you are able to order the book, this would be really helpful. I have included the link below.


Due to the re-opening of schools for a wider range of children over the coming weeks, most of my time will be spent teaching in the classroom. Therefore I have tried to provide more than 1 weeks worth of work below and on the website. I will continue to add the maths worksheets on a weekly basis, as well as supplement with additional activities for other subjects where I can.


If you wish to share what your child has been doing, or you have any problems accessing resources, please email me at




If you are up to date with the White Rose lessons, then we are now on Week 6.


Click the link below for the video tutorials. The accompanying worksheets are attached to this email or can be downloaded from the class webpage.


If you are not up to date, just continue from where your child is up to.

Reading Comprehension and Writing Opportunities


I hope you managed to purchase the book ‘The adventures of Odysseus’.


I have attached comprehension questions for the whole book. A key focus is vocabulary development, so children will need access to a dictionary or online dictionary such as


I suggest that children read one chapter per day and answer the comprehension questions.


Try to encourage children to answer fully and clearly, justifying their answers by using what it says in the text.


For some chapters I have also included some suggested writing activities.



Locating Greece


Use google maps to find Greece. Zoom in and out. Search for the acropolis. Explore a little to see what you can see.



Explore the ancient Greek States


Which do you think were the most important three ancient greek states?

Write about them explaining why you think they were the most important.


Find out about the geography of Ancient Greece.

Use the link below to help you to answer the questions.


What was the landscape like?

How did their landscape help them to travel and trade?

What natural resources did they use to trade?

What did they trade their resources for?




What can we learn from a vase?


How the vases were made:


What do the pots tell us? Write down some interesting information about life in Ancient Greece that is shown on the pots in the website below.



Design your own vase.

Create your own mythical creature or represent an aspect of Ancient Greek life or Mythology for your main picture on the vase. Include some typical geometric border patterns to help make your vase look authentic.


Draw your design on the template provided.

Make a vase:

Using Clay:

Using Paper cache:

(decorate in ancient greek style)



Gods and Goddesses


Research the Greek Gods/Goddesses. If you were to choose 3 to be favourable to you, who would you choose and why?


Use the factsheet provided or do your own research.

The legacy of Ancient Greece


Which aspects of Ancient Greek life have had most impact on world culture? Investigate and present your findings in writing, a poster, a powerpoint presentation or a video blog.

Welcome to Year 5!

The information below is for parents, carers and children to help them with home learning.


Every day, your child should be:


  • Reading (or read to) for at least 30 minutes.


  • Completing a writing activity for 30 minutes, e.g. writing a story, a diary, a newspaper report, a book review, a letter or a fact report. This could be about anything you find interesting: plants, space, the Romans, the Egyptians, science, countries of the world, food, computers, sport… the possibilities are endless!


  • Be practicing number bonds and times tables for 20 minutes. (They can do this using TT Rockstars. Log in details are in the homework books). 


  • Being active for one hour. Click below for some ideas on staying active:

Week Beginning 18th May




If you are up to date with the White Rose lessons, then we are now on Week 5. If you are not up to date, just continue from where your child is up to.


Click the link below for the video tutorials.


The accompanying worksheets for week 5 can be downloaded below.



Newspaper Article


Imagine that Geoff and Tom have decided to reveal to the world their amazing discovery Aquila. Write a newspaper article, telling the world how it was discovered, what it can do and how this discovery have affected the boys, their school and Historians and Scientists around the world. What do you think would happen to Aquila next? Tell us what will happen next as part of your newspaper page.




Summary sentence (When, Who, What, where)

Main paragraph. Step by step description of what happened

Witness paragraph. Short quotes from people who saw or experienced some of what happened. Quotes from important people, such as the boys, the teachers, historians, a scientist, etc..

A future paragraph. What will happen now (to Aquila or the boys, Geoff and Tom)


Other Writing Opportunities


See RE work below.




Find out the definition of any words you are unsure of the meaning of. Write each word in a sentence (You can put two or three in the same sentence if you wish)


cereal, serial, father, farther, guessed, guest, morning, mourning, who’s, whose



Creative Ideas




Find out about the different phases of the moon and why we only see parts of the moon at times.


Can you learn the names of the different phases of the moon? Complete the diagram.

RE.- Hinduism


Activity 1) Look at the presentations on the Hindu Gods (or do your own research).


Write a factsheet about some of the Hindu Gods.


Activity 2) Look at the Presentations on the festival Raksha Banian.


Write about why is the festival special for Hindus?


Activity 3) Watch the videos below to find out about Diwali and how people celebrate it today today.


Write a letter to a friend, family member or some one imaginary, and answer the question: What is the real meaning of Diwali. Tell them about Prince Rama and Princess Sita; inform them all about the Hindu celebration of Diwali today and then finally talk about how this compares to other religions or other world views on overcoming evil.

Week Beginning 11th May




So far White Rose have provided a total of 4 weeks worth of instructional videos with associated worksheets free of charge. However, from now on they will continue to provide instructional videos without charge, but the worksheets will now be part of subscription services.


The good news is that St Stephens has subscribed to this service so you don’t have to. Starting from this week, we will send the accompanying worksheets via the St Stephens webpage or by email.


If you haven’t completed the first 4 weeks lessons, continue with them using the link below


If you are up to date, then watch the videos on the white rose website (above) and download the worksheets below:


Reading Comprehension


I have attached comprehension questions for the final two chapters of Aquila - ch11-12.


Try to encourage children to answer fully and clearly, justifying their answers by using what it says in the text.



Write a book review for the Book Aquila.


Who do you think it was written for (age group/interest etc)? Did you like this book? Why did you like it? What was your favourite part? Did you find the characters interesting and why? Is there a lesson you think you could take from it? Was there anything you didn’t like?


Here’s some good advice about how you might structure your book review:



Read the attached guidance on using the suffix able or ible. Learn to spell the words below.












Creative Ideas




Watch the video clips about why we have seasons below.


Activity Possibilities: 1) create a model of the earth and sun that you could use to explain to a member of your family why we have different seasons (try to use scientific words like Northern Hemisphere, the earth’s tilt etc). OR 2) Write an explanation about why we experience seasons and how seasons are different depending which part of the world you live.




1. Create a Concentric Circles piece like Kandinsky. Try one of these two methods: (oil pastels on black paper) (using torn coloured paper)



2. Follow the step by step guidance for your own Kandinsky Lines & Circles picture

Week Beginning 4th May




Continue with your learning using  the White Rose resources. There are 4 weeks work on the website (now starting a fifth), with each lesson containing an explanatory video tutorial, printable worksheet with accompanying answers. We follow the White Rose scheme in school, so these resources are most suitable for our children in their content.


Feel free to continue from wherever your child is up to if you are behind.


Reading Comprehension


I have attached comprehension questions for the next 5 chapters of Aquila - ch6-10. As per last week, I suggest that children read one chapter per day and answer the comprehension questions. I know some of you will only receive the book this week, so just start from the beginning with one chapter a day.


Try to encourage children to answer fully and clearly, justifying their answers by using what it says in the text.



Write a story beginning. Perhaps you are somewhere with a friend you shouldn’t be. You make a discovery OR hear a spaceship OR see an alien. Perhaps you are hurtling through space on an alien spaceship. Read the example (see sheet).  Write an effective, engaging, descriptive adventure story beginning.






Watch the powerpoint on when to hyphenate. Learn these words. Find the meaning of any you are unsure of.





re - energise

re- elect





re - energise

Creative Ideas





Be inspired and learn about the solar system - how it may have developed - and see a scale demonstration of how far away from each other the planets all are.


Activity - Make a model of the solar system a bit like this one. (But don’t miss out Mars like this one has..)

Art -


Find out about the Artist Kandinsky and his background.  Ten interesting facts about him.  Powerpoint slides about him and his work


Activity - Create a slideshow (powerpoint) about him and his work or write an information booklet. Include the things that you found most interesting.


Representing music in a picture: Cartoon showing how art can represent musical instruments  An example of how art could interpret a piece of music  How shape and lines can be an interpretation of music.


Activity - Create a picture like that in the link above. Use the musical piece (or something like it) to guide you.



I hope you find these ideas and links helpful.

Please email the school if you need some help.

At present we have a reduced office staff due to illness. Staff are working from home to enable social distancing so we may not be able to reply as quickly as normal.

Kind regards,

Mr Harris

Week Beginning 27th April


Reading Comprehension


I hope you managed to purchase the book Aquila.

I have attached comprehension questions for the first 5 chapters. I suggest that children read one chapter per day and answer the comprehension questions.


Try to encourage children to answer fully and clearly, justifying their answers by using what it says in the text.





Continue with your learning on decimal numbers through the  White Rose resources. There are 3 weeks work on the website (now starting a fourth), with each lesson containing an explanatory video tutorial, printable worksheet with accompanying answers. We follow the White Rose scheme in school, so these resources are most suitable for our children in their content. Feel free to start at Week 1 if you are behind.




Learn the words with silent letters. Look up any words you are unsure of the meaning of.

Write each word in a sentence.













Creative Ideas


For these activities, please feel free to select which activities you think are most suitable for your child.


Design your own planet: What is it made from? What temperature is it? What is the climate & weather like? What unique characteristics does it have? Where is it located?


Music -

Listen to HOLST - Mars from "The Planets Suite”. Complete Music appraisal sheet.


Find out what an ostinato is using the link below


Create own Space music composition, any way you please. It could be traveling through space or it could be music representing a planet you have designed.

Could you include an ostinato?


Art -

Find out about the Artist Kandinsky. Select one of his paintings and write about what you like about it. Do any of them look like they could represent space?


WELCOME back after the Easter break. This half term we will be learning more about Space. Explore, create, and be inspired by the Universe.


The class reader for this half term is the book Aquila. If possible, you could purchase this book for your child and I will set some comprehension questions for different chapters. The kindle edition is £2.99 on Amazon. Unfortunately, paperback copies are not so easy to acquire, but there are some available.


Week beginning 20th April




Watch the video to get children inspired about space




Research a planet of your choice (or compare one with another). Here are some websites you could use:


Maybe you could find some even better sites...


TV presenter challenge: Could you prepare a video presentation on your chosen planet?


For Maths:


Continue with the activities with White Rose on Decimal Numbers. There's a helpful video and some activities, if you are able to print them for your child. 


Also try these times table games:


Being Creative



Art - Drawing a planet using pencils, charcoal or chalk


DT - Make a model of a planet (or the whole solar system if you prefer)



Adding to your Blog


Remember, you could always upload some of your work to your BLOG (like your information page on planets)....

Year 5 Curriculum


Autumn Term

Our first topic is 'Meet the Flintstones' where we learn all about the Stone Age, focussing on the classic novel 'Stig of the Dump'. We have an in depth study of the artist Richard Long and investigate how to use natural materials in art.  

We then move on in time to 'The Iron Age' where we look at the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age and learn about how trade was used in Britain during this time.


Spring Term
Our first topic is 'Total Wipeout Challenge' and is based around the greatly anticipated residential school journey to Arethusa Venture Centre in Kent.  The Year 5 children are involved in a range of indoor and outdoor team and character building activities such as archery, high ropes, rock climbing, the blind trail, initiative games and swimming.  It is a memorable time for all children, and of course....lots of fun.  Parents will get to see all that we get up to in our special assembly a few weeks after our return.

Our second topic is 'Chocolate' and our science topic is built around changing state of solids and liquids including chocolate.  In DT, we develop our entrepreneurial skills as we design and create packaging and adverts for the selling of chocolate items in our Fair Trade Cafe.

Summer Term
As avid astronomers, we investigate our universe, our solar system and find out more about how this wonderful universe works in our topic 'Gallivanting Through the Galaxies'.  We read alot of information texts as well as Science Fiction Stories.  In Art we create sculptures of the planets.
In our final topic, 'Ancient Greece', we study the wonderful Greet Myths and Legends.  There is lots of scope for art work as the children examine Greek vases, sculptures, masks and architecture.

This is also our term for swimming at Wavelengths Swimming Pool, Deptford.
