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Every member of our school family can stand as spiritual, confident, positive individuals, rooted in Christian values, empowered to face life’s challenges and reach their full potential and serve their community.


Welcome to the Reception Class Page!

In Reception with have a great time doing lots of different activities to help us learn & develop!

Summer 2 Newsletter

Summer 1 Newsletter

We have been hatching chicks and keeping diaries detailing our observations...

Spring 2 Newsletter

Leaf People! After reading 'Leaf Man,' we created our very own leaf people! Our work was transient art and created from some wonderful autumn objects we collected. We enjoyed moving our objects around to change the appearance of our leaf people and to create new leaf people.

Autumn 1 Newsletter


Learning in Reception

We have a wonderful time in Reception, engaging in lots of different activities & play! Below are just some of the things we do throughout the year but look out for our updates, photos & newsletters to find out more about what we do!


Autumn Term
In the first half term our topic is 'A Few of My Favourite Things'. This gives us a chance to get to know each other. We find out all about each other's favourite colours, foods, toys and people.

After half term our topic is 'Light and Dark, we love exploring light sources in our special dark tent and learn all about space. We explore the real meaning of Christmas and perform our Nativity play.


Spring Term
This term our topics are 'Toys' and 'Down on the Farm'. We learn about toys from the past and around the world. Most excitingly we plan and prepare for a teddy bear's picnic and invite our bears in from home.

In 'Down on the Farm', we learn about the animals and find out how our food is grown. Each year we get the chance to watch chicks hatch from their eggs and then care for them for a few weeks before they go back to the farm.


Summer Term
The first half term our topic is 'My Amazing Machine'. We learn all about our bodies. We take part in some exciting challenges that help us to understand our senses.

In the final half term of the year the topic is 'Minibeasts'. Each year we collect 30 caterpillars and watch as they turn into butterflies. We also go on a minibeast hunt around the local area!
