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Every member of our school family can stand as spiritual, confident, positive individuals, rooted in Christian values, empowered to face life’s challenges and reach their full potential and serve their community.

SEND Information

St. Stephen's SEND Information 


An Inclusive Environment 

At St. Stephen’s we have a strong Christian ethos where every pupil is valued and included in the full range of school activities.  We understand that some pupils will need extra support and/or specific interventions at some point in their school career, and some pupils may need this on an on-going basis.  The School's Inclusion Manager is Laura Scallon (Mrs Kakad April 22-23) and she can be contacted any day on the main school number (020 8692 1898).  If she is teaching, please leave a brief message with the office staff and she will return your call.


St. Stephen's SEND Policy 


This document sets out our principles, policy and values in relation to SEND



Intent, Implementation and Impact in SEND




The Governing Body and staff of St. Stephen’s value the contribution that every child can make and welcomes the diversity of culture, faith and intellectual styles. We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs and abilities. The School seeks to raise the achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access to all. Every pupil with a special educational need or disability (SEND) is valued, respected and treated as an equal member of the School community.


  • To ensure the early identification of special educational needs and that there is a prompt response to put effective provision in place. 
  • To ensure that the culture, practice, management and deployment of resources are designed to meet the needs of all pupils with SEND. 
  • To enable pupils with SEND to maximise their achievements. 
  • To ensure that the needs of pupils with SEND are identified, assessed, provided for and regularly reviewed through a pupil centred approach. 
  • To ensure that all pupils with SEND are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum including the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum as appropriate. 
  • To work in partnership with parents to enable them to make an active contribution to the education of their child. 
  • To take the views and wishes of the child into account. 
  • To work closely with the Local Authority (LA) and external agencies, using multi-agency planning, to ensure the needs of the pupil are met. 
  • To ensure there is a regular review of training needs taking into account school priorities as well as personal professional development. Aspects of Special Educational Needs are included within the School’s INSET programme and staff attend training organised by the LA, the Inclusion Service and other agencies. 
  • To ensure teaching is of a high-quality and provision for all pupils, including those with SEND.




At St. Stephen’s CE Primary School every teacher and Teaching Assistant is a teacher of SEND. We aim to ensure that all children will enjoy their time in school and develop fully their academic abilities, physical skills, aesthetic and spiritual qualities, and all other aspects of personality and character that go to make a well-balanced adult. 


Every teacher at St Stephen’s is committed to providing a creative, differentiated and interesting curriculum. 

  • Teachers have high expectations of all children and they look for ways to support them as individuals, preparing them for a successful, fulfilling future. 
  • Pupils are included in all aspects of the school day, where possible.
  • All pupils receive ‘quality first teaching’ and a differentiated curriculum to meet the variety of needs within the classroom. This means that the teachers at St Stephen’s adapt and vary their teaching to meet the different learning needs in the classroom. 
  • In addition to this, individual and group interventions provide extra support to those children who may need a more specific and targeted approach. These interventions may support maths, literacy, speech and language, physical or social development. 
  • Interventions vary depending on the needs of the pupil and are holistic in approach, these may include specialist sports sessions, regulation activities and Forest School. 
  • The class teachers all use a provision map to record these interventions ensuring that all the targets are monitored and evaluated. This enables the class teacher and SENCO to monitor the effectiveness of these interventions making sure that they are having maximum impact on the child’s learning and progress. 
  • Strong encouragement of parental involvement, for example ideas for how to support children’s progress towards targets is included on individual provision maps. 
  •  A range of extra targeted sessions for parents from internal and external specialists are available. 
  • St Stephen’s has regular visits from Educational Psychologists, The Drumbeat Autism Outreach Team and the Specific Learning Difficulties (SPLD) team 
  • We have a Speech and Language Therapist who works in our school one day a week for the first half of each term 
  • The school engaged with an external counselling service, who support a number of children within the school on a weekly basis. 
  • We offer workshops for parents, led by our specialist partners, on a range of SEND
  • When needed, we consult with Lewisham’s Behaviour Advisory Service.
  • Strong encouragement of parental involvement, for example ideas for how to support children’s progress towards targets is included on individual provision maps.




  • The SENCO oversees provision and interventions, and monitors their success through rigorous observations and data analysis. We evaluate provision through: 
  • Class Provision Maps – St Stephen’s uses class provision maps to evaluate the effectiveness of quality first teaching strategies and group interventions. At the beginning of each intervention an assessment to ascertain ‘entry’ data is carried out. After a given number of weeks the same assessment is carried out and the ‘exit’ data provided. Through this data the interventions can be evaluated to ensure that the children are making progress. If the intervention is not having the desired impact it is adapted to ensure that the children are making progress. The provision maps are regularly monitored by the SENCO. 
  • Individual Education Plans – St Stephen’s uses Individual Provision Maps (IEPs) to set personal targets and assess progress against them. In this way the effectiveness of provision for individual children with SEND can be effectively evaluated. 
  • Data Analysis – All children are assessed termly.  This data is analysed and every child is individually tracked. It is immediately highlighted if any child is underachieving or not reaching their full potential. 
  • Children with SEND make good progress from their starting points. 
  • Upon leaving St. Stephen’s CE, pupils with SEND have developed good independence  and life skills. 
  • Behaviour in school is very good and has constantly been so for many years.

St. Stephen's SEND Information Report 

Here you can find out about the provision we offer children with SEND in our school. 

Lewisham's Local Offer 


This has been developed in partnership with children and young people aged 0-25 and their parents and carers. It sets out in one place clear, relevant and up-to-date information across education, health and social care. It details the advice and support available across the borough of Lewisham.

Access to Medical Interventions 



·       Some children have medical needs that can be met successfully through the school’s well-organised system.

·        Regular update sessions between the School Nurse and Inclusion Manager.

·        Clear policy on supporting children with medical conditions.

·        Support staff trained in Paediatric First Aid.

·        Detailed care plans drawn up for pupils with allergic reactions or medical conditions.

·        All staff trained in the use of epipens.

·        Easily accessible system for parents to bring medicines into school.

·        Detailed records kept of medication administered.

·        Recommendations from physiotherapy carried out sensitively with individual pupils.



The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) offer information, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This service is also offered directly to young people.

The service is freeimpartial and confidential.

KIDS SENDIASS have developed resources providing information and advice for parents, carers, professionals and young people.It is a legal requirement that all local authorities have a SENDIAS service and KIDS provide a number of these services across the country. Each KIDS SENDIAS service has a local service, please find the details of the Lewisham page below:




Information Advice and Support​ provider: 


SENDIAS Lewisham

Description of Service: Special Education Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service.

Opening Hours:

9am - 5pm


Lewisham Central Community Hub,
Leemore Centre,
29-39 Clarendon Rose,
SE13 5ES


Tel: 020 3319 2163

