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  • Welcome from the Head Teacher


    Welcome to St Stephen's C of E Primary School! 

    We warmly invite you to be part of St Stephen’s Primary School.

    St Stephen’s is a wonderful, one form entry, school in the heart of Lewisham and part of the Southwark Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust.  It is known for its strong ethos based on Christian values that are central to all we do.

    St Stephen’s is an inclusive school and welcomes all children to be part of our school community.

    At St Stephen’s, your child will start their journey in a primary school that will equip them for their life ahead. We want all the children and adults who are part of our school to feel happy, safe and cared for.

    St Stephen’s staff are passionate about giving every child a wealth of experiences to support them in becoming the best person they can be. Our mission statement is acted out on a daily basis to support pupils academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Every child is unique and we provide a curriculum that develops the whole child to succeed and achieve whatever their aptitudes, skills or passions. 

    It is St Stephen’s mission for all our children to move onto their next stage of learning equipped to face life’s challenges and shine as lights in this world.

    Please come and visit St Stephen’s or look at our virtual tour on the home page.

    We really look forward to meeting you.

    Miss Frances Holland, Head Teacher

    Our School Values

    Respect, Kindness, Honesty, Self-control, Perseverance

    These school values are embedded in the life of our school and form a foundation on which we live and learn together. They are based on the Fruit of the Spirit.

    They underpin the British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

    Mission Statement

    Every member of our school family can stand as spiritual, confident, positive individuals, rooted in Christian values, empowered to face life’s challenges, reach their full potential and serve their community.