The documents below give information about our Governing Body.
If you are interested in finding out what the role of parent representative governor entails, you may find the document below; entitled 'Being a Governor', quite useful.
To ask the right questions, such as:
All schools need committed parent governors – people who are willing to take an active interest in the life of the school. Governors are elected/appointed for four years.
It is important that governors reflect the local community. People of all backgrounds, cultures and races have a valuable contribution to make and should think about becoming a governor.
There is at least one full governors’ meeting each term
In addition you may be asked to join a committee which meets more frequently and reports back to the full governors’ meeting
You will need to visit the school so you can get to know the staff, pupils and parents. The better you know the school, the more confident you will feel in making decisions. It is suggested that you visit during the school day for at least one morning or afternoon each term – please make an appointment with the headteacher
With so much for governors to learn, all schools have the opportunity to buy into Lewisham governor training programme.
Parents are a major source of support for the school. Schools are more effective if there is regular and positive dialogue with parents and if parents are involved in the work of the school. Parent governors are one of the ways parents can take part in the life of the school. You might find it helpful to talk to the outgoing parent governor(s) about what is involved.
Black and ethnic minority parents are currently under-represented on governing bodies. Parents from these groups are particularly encouraged to consider standing for election.
You will be given details of the parent governor elections. You do not have to wait to be nominated, you can put your own name forward. You will probably be asked to give some information about yourself.
You serve for four years from the date you are elected. Even if your child leaves, you can still remain a parent governor for the full four years. Any governor may of course choose to resign before his/her term of office ends: this should be done in writing to the Clerk to Governors.
Parent governors have the same status, duties and responsibilities as other members of the governing body. They have no power to take action as governor unless they have been asked to do so by the governing body.
Parent governors are not elected to represent the parents but to bring the voice of the parents to the governing body. Although parent governors may be regarded as the official channel for parents’ views they do not have to consult with the body of parents before they can speak or act as governors.
Most governing bodies aim to keep confidential items to a minimum, however, all governors need to bear in mind that indiscreet talk about what has been said or decided at a governors’ meeting can cause problems. Governors need to feel secure enough to speak openly and make decisions without fear that their every word will be reported.
In general all governors should make sure that they never discuss individual children or adults outside the governing body, if they have gained information about them as a result of being a governor.
Converted to the Southwark Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust 01/09/2024
12 governor places
Pupil Discipline Committee / Staff Discipline Committee / Staff Discipline Appeal Committee / Pay Appeal Committee / Complaints Committee
These committees meet as and when required, with a minimum of three eligible governors to be drawn from a pool of all members of the Governing Body, subject to availability and with regard to any declared conflicts of interest.
VOTING RIGHTS (if applicable)) |
Udachi Adeniyi |
Staff |
Staff Members |
17/09/22 |
4 |
16/09/26 |
Faith |
Mental Health/ PHSE/ RSE |
Sandra Baiden |
Foundation |
22/01/20 |
4 |
21/01/24 |
Faith Finance and Personnel |
Literacy Link |
Michael Bailey |
Foundation |
ex officio |
n/a |
n/a |
Children Family & Community Faith (Chair) |
Vice Chair |
Dwayne Edwards |
Parent |
Parent Body |
14/12/22 |
4 |
13/12/26 |
Faith |
Tabitha Fyffe |
Parent |
Parent Body |
30/11/19 |
4 |
29/11/23 |
Children Family & Communities |
Safeguarding |
Frances Holland |
Headteacher |
ex officio |
01/09/08 |
n/a |
n/a |
* |
Irene Olaleye |
Foundation |
11/03/19 |
4 |
10/03/23 |
Children Family & Community Admissions |
SEND Link Website Link |
Colin Plant |
Foundation |
10/12/21 |
4 |
09/12/25 |
Finance and Personnel |
Treasurer Foundation Subjects Link |
Philip Ratcliff |
LA |
Governing Body |
16/10/18 |
4 |
15/10/22 |
Curriculum & Achievement (Chair) Premises (Chair) Strategic (Chair) Admissions (Chair) Children, Family & Community |
Chair of Governors ICT Link Training Link Performance Management (Staff) Leadership |
All governors are members of the Curriculum & Achievement committee. * All committees except Children, Family and Community, and Faith Team
(Converted to Southwark Diocesen Board Multi- Academy Trust 01/09/24)
Staff (1)
LA Nominated (1)
Parent Elected (2)
Foundation (7)
CLERK TO GOVERNORS: Benjamin Washington
Finance and Personnel
Curriculum and Achievement
Children Family and Community
Statutory Committees include the Pupil Discipline, Staff Discipline, Pay Appeals and Parent Complaints. These committees meet as and when required, with a minimum of three eligible governors to be drawn from a pool of all members of the Governing Body subject to availability and with regard to any declared conflicts of interest.